Most of us make a statement in support of the environment by recycling, participating in a beach cleanup, or adding compost to our household. David de Rothschild however, went one step further. Four months, 8,000 nautical miles, and 12,500 reclaimed plastic bottles later, this man has completed an “epic eco-adventure”.
“Plastiki”, the recycled ship that ended its 125-day rigorous journey in Sydney has successfully raised awareness after years of dedication and planning. How did this come about? De Rothschild was inspired by a 2006 United Nations Report on the amount of plastic waste found in our oceans, and he decided to raise awareness by “showcasing waste as a resource”.
Once Plastiki reaches Australian shores, it will remain on display for the public at the Australian Maritime Museum, becoming a part of special events aimed at raising awareness of plastic waste in the ocean. And after that, its life isn’t over. Although the boat is made of recyclable material, de Rothschild has no intention of tossing the masterpiece just yet- he hopes to put the boat on display around the world. “The plan is to create a global oceans exhibit that can showcase not only the issue of throw-away plastics but really about nurturing and re-evaluating our oceans… our most precious of ecosystems,” he stated.
We can all use de Rothschild’s effort as inspiration to take environmental awareness a step further, even if only a small one.
To learn more, click here.
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